Tatsuhiko Asano / Spacewatch

[ Artist ]Tatsuhiko Asano
[ Title ]Spacewatch
[ Release ]3rd Sep. 2008
[ Price ]¥2,625 (tax in)
[ Number ]DDCA-7003
[ Genre ]Unclassifiable
[ Artwork ]Tatsuhiko Asano
Tatsuhiko Asano - SPACEWATCH

guitar riffは折り重なり星雲が頭の中で映射する

1. Specter 2. Night Light 3. Highway and Byways 4. Vermilion 5. Hanging Scroll
6. Deep Sea Fish 7. Midnight Movies 8. Nebular 9. Bright Time 10. Magneto
11. Old Television 12. Butterfly

Tatsuhiko Asano

Tatsuhiko Asano

14歳からギターと自宅録音をはじめ、東京藝術大学在学時に絵画を先攻する傍ら本格的にバンド活動やカセットMTR による多重録音を開始する。
1996年にMOODMANが主催していた7インチレーベル、「M.O.O.D/donut」から一人多重録音によるシングル『bonjour』でソロデビュー。その後TRANSONIC、Daisy World等、多数の国内コンピレーションでソロ作品を発表する。またGPP、パシフィック231 などのユニットにギタリストとして参加。2000年には任天堂64DD の「巨人のドシン1」のサウンドトラック、『ドシンの跡を追って』を発表。
そして2001年、『bonjour』を聴いたアレック・エンパイアから熱烈なオファーを受け、彼の主宰する英国のレーベルGeist から初のフルアルバム『Genny Haniver』をリリース事となる。
さらに2005年にはデヴィッド・シルヴィアンのリミックス・アルバム、『Blemish Remixes』にも参加。これも海外のメディアから数多くの評価を得るなど、世界中に多くの支持者を持つ日本を代表する音楽家である。
→ Tatsuhiko Asano Official Site
→ myspace.com/asanotatsuhiko

Tatsuhiko Asano

He picked up a guitar at 14, and started to work on home recordings. As he majored in painting, during his years at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, he begins to actively play in bands and do multiple recordings on cassette MTRs. In 1996, he made his solo debut with the single “bonjour” on a one man multiple recording session from “M.O.O.D/donut”, the 7 inch label run by MOONMAN.
He later released solo works from numerous domestic compilations such as TRANSONIC, Daisy World, etc.
He also participated as a guitarist in different units such as GPP and Pacific 231. In 2000, he released the soundtrack “Doshin-no-atowo-otte (Chasing Doshin)” for Nintendo game software “Doshin the Giant I”. In 2001, he received an enthusiastic offer from Alec Empire who caught a whif of “bonjour” and released his first full album, “GENNY HANIVER” from his British label, Geist. He is known for his guitar focused rhythm that is, at the same time, sensitive, smooth and paradisical. Also known for his unique soundscape, using his home recording environment at the fullest, this uncategorizable album with a mix of techno, electronica and somewhat ambient music was hailed by the European press. In 2005, he then went on to join David Sylvian’s remix album “Blemish Remixes”. This was also critically acclaimed by the overseas media, which makes him one of the most noted Japanese musicians with fans the world over.
→ Tatsuhiko Asano Official Site
→ myspace.com/asanotatsuhiko



The guitar riffs lay over one another, and the galaxy is beamed within the mind. This is the only soundtrack made for both darkness and light.
He has a good instinct!The more technique a person has, he tends to fall into a stereotypical fetish, but the way he avoids that smoothly, is nothing but a proof of genius.
Rei Harakami


Style is in a whole different universe than the theory of creation and the theory of evolution. And Asano’s new album is built on this.
It is nothing but his universe. Although he can be quite hard on himself, his love of the universe invites everyone to appreciate it. I respect him greatly.
Umitaro Abe

フラッと散歩する時や車の中でよく聞いていた「Genny Haniver」。目にする風景や風に音がとけこんでスゴく気持ちよかったからです。
森 俊二 ( natural calamity / gabby&lopez )

I was listening to “Genny Haniver” while taking random walks and drives.It made me feel really good as the sound blended with the landscape and wind.
The long awaited new release “Spacewatch” had so much more heat than its predecessor. I received “the energy” from Asano’s unique sound and presence.
Shunji Mori( natural calamity / gabby&lopez )


Although Asano himself is soft spoken, his guitar resonates far better than words.
Yoshitomo Nara